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That the district
The district area changklang 9 Moo 7 tambol changklang changklang district, Nakhon SI thammarat 80250.

Location and territory

The district is located in the Middle quite changklang West of the province. Territories are territories, dealing with side effects. Is as follows:
North. Contact the Amphoe chawang
Far East contact LAN Saka district.
Thung song district and Southern District, contact the NA Bon.
West contact chawang district.

Chang Klang District originally part of Chawang district. The Ministry of Interior announced on June 26, 2539, delineates the rule is set out. Chang Klang District The effective date of July 15 th the same year [1] and later on 24 August 2550 has been upgraded as a decree. Chang Klang districtWith effect from 8 September the same year [2].

Statistical data
232.5 sq. km area.
30064 people (2557) population.
Density 129.30 people/sq. km.


Professional oil palm plantation

General information
Palm oil is the most important one, which is suitable for tropical climates near the equator, so the oil palm, it's growing well in the South of the country. The cultivated area is Satun, Trang, Krabi, Surat Thani and Chumphon. This is because the planting of oil palms yields better than other kinds of crops, such as rubber and rice farmers are motivated to expand areas planted with oil palm plantations have changed across the country. Expected quantity of palm oil demand within the increased lot. This is because the palm oil price in the world market is likely to rise. 

Oil palm plantations should be scheduled to correspond with the rainy season because of the factors that determines the survival and growth of the palm oil is a brave humidity in soil. The rainy season in the South of the country, Thailand will begin from May-October, but proper planting is between the months of May-June, which is the beginning of the rainy season should be planted when the soil moisture content, because fall planting in this range makes the palm oil. Set in a converted long before the dry season.


Planting Palms.
1. the age of trees, planting saplings at the appropriate age to use is 10-12 months.
2. rainy season planting period is because it is a major factor. In May-June.
3. preparation for planting nursery before moving to the water beginning to take down saplings planted Palm trees and sprayed chemicals prevent removal of disease-insect. Copy source unusual courage issue
4. the planting hole. 45 x 45 x hole size 35 figure is a u-shaped. How to set the hole the ground and upper floor hole approximately 10 days sweating.
5. palm oil to transportation truck should be used to avoid further and observe caution in moving.
6. palm oil trees dare to butt hole secondary sources should be used 250 grams-per-hole rate rok phosphate.
Before the beginning of the brave into planting soil with fertilizer should be mash to prevent exposure of the root directly.
Put the Earth into the hole using the ground floor on a soft, tight and in order to prevent wind.
7. to check the conversion after the trees will have to be brave in original state. If detected, should be corrected immediately. 
8. construction and repair should be done within a period of one month after planting.


1. to prevent and get rid of weeds.
Weeds in the garden of palm oil in the dry season should not eliminate weeds because of the lack of soil moisture. 
2. fertilizer application 
It should take into consideration various factors such as the quantity of soil nutrients that exist in the original. The demand for Palm oil in the different stages of the environment, weather. What type of fertilizer utilization
3. get rid of the insect disease prevention. 
Do not spray chemicals immediately. When the pest is found it will be costly, and the destruction of natural enemies that are useful. Should such sampling, cutting through a 17 count worms to hasten.If there is more than 5 per average geographic everything should get rid of the protection by sprayed chemicals.
4. wrap a bouquet of flowers
In the start phase growth. A bouquet of flowers and cut the wife. The first stage is left behind in the Palm trees to grow faster and larger because the food will strengthen the section of the trunk instead of a bouquet of flowers and raising productivity to long-term results. The result is large and uniform.If not, leave no harvest emissions cuts could be the source of the disease especially disease rot is to collapse.


The chemical fertilizer, oil palm
1. duration and enter the
Fertilizer when the soil moisture is sufficient. Avoid wearing when dry and torrent In the first year after planting should be 4-5 times since the fertilizer year 2 onwards should be 3 times/year for fertilizer ranges appropriate to include middle and late rain is rain since 5 may consider only fertilizer twice a year if the proper graphical environment, fertilizer (rate) When the clear break 3 times/year, it is recommended that you use the proportion 50:25:25% for early rain in the middle of rain and fertilizer at the end of the rain and when the break put 2 times/year. Using the proportion 60:40% rain and early stage before the end of the rain, respectively.
Early rain is estimated in May-June.
The rain is about the middle of July-September.
Over the rain is about October – November.
2. the method of fertilizer application 
Rock phosphate fertilizer, 1) (0-3-0), the rate of 250 grams/ton. Butt hole now grown child by using soil mixed with fertilizer on phosphate rock mash. Insert the bottom of the hole laeoklop hole to fill the child with the ground floor below.
2) between 1-4 years of fertilizer inside a circle (radius of 1.5-2 meters) which eliminate weeds around the cone trees.
3-5 years of age.) Fertilizer cost 50 cm away from the cones until reaching the destination.
4), should be sown and fertilizer regularly. The area around the cone shaped Topiary trees, rock phosphate fertilizer with the exception of the suggestion to insert the robotrong Topiary. Within the radius of the circle around the cone and the they should get rid of the weeds after the fertilizer.
3. the rate of fertilizer use.
The fertilizer rate for Palm oils by farmers in General in cases where it is not possible to store the samples to analyze. The following table shows:

แสดงตารางการใส่ปุ๋ยปาล์มน้ำมัน อายุ 1-4 ปี

Harvest yields.
1. how to harvest fresh Palm including Palm plant, which sent total is the typical procedure is as follows: 
-Transport channel between Palm decorations for each conversion. Convenient break and check out the cut and then collapse, Palm to Palm, or zero sum points established within the Park. 
* Caution the transport channel is not cut through Palm Palm out again because of the way the Palm is considered to be decorations done based on techniques and procedures. If there is a particular block might pull or break, to work.
-For the forces on the laeoaya trail, obstructed or blocked drainage will cause flooding. Drain trapped along the corridor
-Selection of cooked Palm based on standards from the collapse to see the color of the effect, which will be changed to red and the maximum number of results of ripe orange fallen down on the ground for about 10-12, is considered a mature Palm.
-If it turns out that the collapse of Palm, there are massive Suk that adhere to the stems very. Easy to use, because it will give the result to shovel out as much. Use a knife or knives, pens a regular length. Cut the first pole to collapse together, SAE, and then used a shovel to collapse would be dropped from the neck of Palm trees.
-Trim the Palm pole collapse at elimination, shortest possible. In order to ease the transport or when to plant. The way it is packaged into a plant Hopper, Tom ball, Palm.
-Assemble both Palm and the ball fall to collapse into a pile of. In an empty cone trees keep falling Palm basket or kheng. 
-Assemble both collapse and Palm Palm Palm to total loss in the Division series in pickup trucks dragging a sub with a tractor or truck e-taen.
-Harvesting Palm The garden party will have to encourage people to share the work as harvest teams in the team was split into two parallel cutting or stabbing one another who collected Palm Palm.
-Collect the Palm is trying to reduce the number of times in a smaller dump. When the Palm is cut the quantity of chok cham free fatty acid to add more. Send Palm out of the Park to register should be checked with a mesh cover to prevent falling Palm way.
2. standards for harvesting palm oil, crude Palm would not cut into sales because they are cutting prices, must not leave the cooked result too early prices.
3. to keep falling on the floor, Palm.
4. do not make Palm harvesting is wound.
5. must choose to collapse or shake with less and leave blank to collapse.
6. cut the shortest pole collapse, as far as possible.
7. the need to make a really convenient Palm Earth. Do not allow debris, rocks, dirt contamination
8. should result in the Palm to the factory without delay.

Precautions for harvesting palm oil, to collapse
1. cut the cooked palm oil collapse to fit Palm started to take effect is to collapse altogether should not be cut at the collapse of crude because, in effect, there is also raw palm juice and flour, are. It is not to turn into oil. Best to collapse too ripe to have a mature and free fatty acid, fresh Palm may have some consumers are potentially harmful.
2. the period of harvest during the Palm design prevalence should be in the range of 7-10 days.
3. Palm the ball out in the palm oil and wax that is open in the source should be kept out of slate.
4. the shaft to collapse should be cut short by close to collapse.
5. try to collapse the smallest Palm chocham
Good quality Palm collapse
1. fresh is Palm, cut and then sent to the factory within 24 hours.
2. cooked cooked with Palm to collapse is the outermost of the Palm ball rebound from the collapse collapse.
3. integrity The ball Palm full collapse, and apparently has been maintained very well.
4. cham chok There is no damage and collapse which severely chok cham.
5. disease. There is not any disease or spoilage collapse.
6. eating animals to collapse There are no animals to eat or collapse made havoc Palm.
7. There are no dirt contamination such as dirt, Earth, wood and slate-covered stone collapse etc.
8. to collapse empty. There is no collapse mix.
9. shaft collapse Length 2 inches, store.
Palm oil, enemy.
Palm oil, enemy means things that damage to Palm oil.

       Palm oil, enemy types.
1. beast palm oil enemies.
2. insect enemies of palm oil.
3. disease. 
» Animal enemies oil palm is divided into 4 groups.
1. a group of teeth to gnaw: living on the ground or on trees. 
1 phukyai = color fur the mice), diarrhea, and dark gray.
2) white = rat found in the garden of palms, age 6 years and up. Palm oil is the most important enemy. Look in front of Laem Yai ears eyes The long slender smooth transport Belly feather grey, grey-brown mix
There are 2 types of porcupines is 3). 
-Big long mane is a porcupine, porcupines, large, short tail. Fur covered the front of the Brown and black. Fur Cape fur, barbed wire on the back of a black and white game.
-Porcupine tail ring The tail end of the tail, fur, and the bunch have a bunch.
2. a group of animals eat insects. 
1 large Treeshrew is common Treeshrew is a tail feather colors to ring changes depending on temperature. If the temperature and humidity, color, fur is bright red. If the temperature and humidity, low color, grey fur is grey or brown. The small, thick ears, ear-like people.
3. a group of animals such as birds. 
Damage by birds eat Palm ball. The damage caused and the bird is a bird family and iang Khun thong. 
4. other wildlife groups. 

       A leading palm oil to use.
1. cooking oil 
2. check the registry or margarine 
3. oil for frying (Frying Fat). 
4. White butter. 
5. fill oil palm (Palm Oil Hydrogenated) hydrogen. 
6. sweet condensed milk 
7. ice cream 
8. cream and artificial milk. 
9. free fatty acid (Fatty Acid Distilled Palm PEAD). 
10. palm oil can be used to produce SOAP, detergent SOAP, both the body and the SOAP wash.There are many soap making recipes. For example, the formula made to cleanse the body of one of the recipes using Palm oil palm REE naroi army 40 40 percent and palm kernel oil or coconut oil, 10 percent.

Attractions : Tha Phae Waterfall

The waterfall is a waterfall that is again in the area of the Khao Luang National Park is approximately 6 kilometers, karom waterfall can be reached by using the provincial highway No. 4016, about 9 km to the junction House Tan, then split to the left into the provincial highway No. 4015. approximately 29 km to the waterfall, situated at the entrance of THA PAE, about 2 km deep. 
          There are a number of waterfalls, waterfall, to shelves by 10th floor: Nanjing Nanjing Nanjing, Mrs. little raft Khruan AI Nan Pu cursed Nantoei. Nanjing Nanjing water trough through the bamboo, and the National Park open, tourism, recreation, study, 3 for nature through the National Park, nature routes through waterfalls, floor 7, but this must be in the control of the officials. 

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